Resource: Perodua Singapore
1. Above is the photo of normal Perodua Kenari that you can easily find on Malaysian road. However, during the crash with a container trailer last week, the car had "lost" its original-well-being.
Five members of a family including a 10-month-old baby boy were killed in the accident.
2. The impact of the crash threw four of the victims out of the car and the baby's body was sadly found in a drain. The Perodua Kenari was dragged for about 80m before coming to a stop at the edge of a hill. Based on words from the witnesses, the trailer rammed into the middle road divider and a lamp post which broke into two before colliding with the car from the opposite lane.

3. Fatigue is the most probable cause of the accident. Based on words from trailer driver assistant, the trailer driver had driven for 48 hours in a row without sleep and rest. As for any braking marks, the investigation team found them on the trailer travelling lane but cannot confirm as yet because they are probably due to brake marks from other vehicles which suddenly stopped after saw the accident. Plus, the widths of the skid marks were not matched with the width tire of the trailer. Below are some more post-crash photos of the unlucky Perodua Kenari.

4. And this is the photo of the trailer which hit the Perodua Kenari.

5. Well, it is not the lorry driver was 100% to be blamed. Instead, we should blame the trailer company because they were not implementing a good safety, health and environment (SHE) procedures for their employees. Look what has happened? It is not impossible that same accident will happen again in the future if the fleet company still do nothing and can easily escape during this kind of incident.
6. In conclusion, fatigue can really kill people. So, please make sure before you drive any vehicles, you are in a good shape, getting enough sleep and eating well. If not, we might kill people without intending to do it. Five persons were not a small number to begin with. So let's drive safe.

Resouce: Local Newspaper