Monday, December 8, 2008

How Smoking-in-Motion Effects Road Safety

No Smoking Sign
1. I suddenly thought about this. How smoking in motion effects safety during driving. It is hard to determine whether this could be the reason of road accidents as the evidence of smoking normally vanished with the damaged of the vehicles.

2. Anyway, based on some research, youth worldwide, are involved in a disproportionate number of road accidents, in general, and fatal accidents, in particular. those who smoked while driving used seat belt less, and had a higher involvement rate in road traffic accidents. So meaning, those who smoke has less safety awareness.

3. What can we do? I know that I feel not comfortable when being in the midst of smokers. Maybe you guys too. Something that you could do is to have hepa filter air purifiers to clean the room's air but not sure if this could be used inside the car.

4. In short, smoking is not just bad to our health but also could be the reason of fatal road accidents. I should investigate this possibility more when all the significant reasons like fatigue and DUI solved.

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