Thursday, June 16, 2011

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  • JazzByTheBay
    07-17 10:06 PM

    Of course, now we risk alienating the "undocumented worker" community, but is that such a big deal given we're legal and struggling and hoping that America does the right thing to get us out of this gray area... ?

    On a different note, I can't wait to see what an EAD and AP looks like. When does the clock start ticking? Is it 90 days or 180 days? :)

    I so want a vacation! :)


    Lets ask Core not to just go with the temporary fix of July visa bulliten.
    We might apply for EAD and AP but what if they throw our papers some where and repeat the same thing.
    This time they will be very careful in issuing visa bulliten

    In future very slow progression in visa dates...adjudicating cases very slowly always stating that due to july visa bulliten we have lots of cases ...we will not be able to do anything until we sort ou...blah blah...

    This is not the fix
    We should be firm with our goals...

    Lets come up with some ideas....
    Lets not ask what to do...lets think and come up with an idea...and then we shall decide if it works or not...
    When some one first suggested flower campaign everyone took it as a was not implemented before some one sent the flowers and showed the receipt number...

    I was following core for a long time...this the biggest response i have ever seen from the members...

    Lets continue it...

    My idea ...lets not just accept the temporary fix...we should fight the congress until they come up with a plan of fixing the GC issue.

    The congress talks about fixing illegal immigration..Lets ask them to fix the legal immigration first.

    Unless we are really strong about it...nothing can be accomplished..

    They cant fix the existing legal system but they are ready with the plans of fixing illegal immigration...of course it failed but still they had big impact...

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  • mdforgc
    04-09 06:38 PM
    I just ocntributed 200 dollars towards the goal of 150K, we will get there. And great work IV core, keep it up.

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  • styrum
    04-19 03:10 PM
    Just sent my $100. Sorry, can't send more now - out of a paying gigs and very likely to embark on a new job search again soon...

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  • kumarc123
    01-09 09:14 AM
    You're right. No offence but no authority seems to be listening to IV suggestions. I agree that people at IV are doing great job, but the problem is nobody is listening. They just don't care. And this think will go on & on. I remember s'body suggesting hunger strike and at that point of time I thought that won't work. But now it seems we have to go extreme and do hunger strike and stuff to pressurize this crappy system.
    EB3 people don't think I am being selfish here. The truth is we have to work unitely and pressurize for visa recapture. That will be beneficial for e'body.
    Lets target the 'Asses' asking for a kick. Let's all kick ass.

    I totally agree with you, I used to visit IV a lot, but was just disappointed with the results from some of its members. Not to blame IV core team, but other members who would just come and read blogs. Specially EAD holder's, I hope their eyes are opening up to new realities. Yesterday, my sister in law entered USA from Newark Airport and she witnessed three people holding HIB visas get cancelled at the immigration point, one had EAD.

    All we Desi's want is a free ride, same old mentality, don't want to put in any diligence in this matter, but very quick on pointing short comings on others. Blame game!

    Point is, we all need to do something radical, sending flowers again and holding a hunger strike, otherwise, keep coming to IV and keep getting disappointed.

    Papu, maybe you can hold something up for once. Schedule a date for some event.


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  • smartboy75
    09-17 02:33 PM
    Thats all he does !

    One more Amendement by Mr King....after the vote

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  • Oli-G
    06-16 10:14 PM
    Cheers guys!

    Just did a rough sketch on paper, and then drew it up in vector, no secret really... and to be honest it isnt perfect at all, but turned out ok.

    I guess drawing it at a larger scale then shrinking helped with some of the fine tuning.


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  • RandyK
    11-06 11:50 AM
    Senator Grassley sponsored H-1B Supplemental Fee legislation which the Senate passed but collapsed at the conference a few days ago. Yesterday, in the "unrelated" "Farm" Bill session, the Senator requested a ten-minute time and made the following statement on the Senate floor. Abstract of the statement -"It Ain't Over T'll It is Over."

    Mr. President, earlier this year, the Senate tried to solve the very complex and emotional issue of immigration reform. The immigration bill we considered included border security, interior enforcement, and amnesty. It also included many needed reforms to our legal immigration process. I said throughout the debate that Congress needs a long-term solution to the immigration issue. We cannot pass a bandaid approach that includes a path to citizenship for law breakers; rather, Congress needs to improve our legal immigration channels. I firmly believe companies want to hire legal workers, and people want to enter the United States legally. If we fix our visa policies, we can restore integrity to our immigration system, and all parties can benefit. But if we cannot pass a comprehensive bill--and I think as time goes on it is going to look more difficult as we go into an election year--if we cannot pass such a comprehensive bill, I think that we should consider passing legislation we can agree on. I am taking the floor at this time to talk about the H-1B visa provisions that were included in the immigration bill and ask my colleagues to take a second look at these needed reforms. Many companies use H-1B programs. It has served a valuable purpose. But we need to reevaluate how this program operates and work to make it more effective. The H-1B program was officially created in 1990, although we have brought foreign workers legally into our country for over 30 years. It was brought into existence to serve American employers that needed high-tech workers. It was created to file a void in the U.S. labor force. The visa holders were intended to file jobs for a temporary amount of time, while the country invested in American workers to pick up the skills our economy needed. We attached fees to the visas that now bring in millions of dollars. These fees and the dollars that come with it are invested in training grants to educate our own workforce. We use the funds to put kids through school for science, technology, engineering, and math skills. We provide students with scholarships with the hope that they will replace imported foreign workers. Unfortunately, the H-1B program is so popular, it is now replacing the U.S. labor force rather than supplementing it. The high-tech and business community is begging Congress to raise or eliminate the annual cap that currently stands at 85,000 visas each year. These numbers do not include and account for those who are exempt from the cap. For instance, we don't count employees at institutions of higher education or nonprofit research organizations. We don't count those who change jobs or renew their H-1B visa. My point is, we have many more than 85,000 H-1B visas distributed each year. I am here to tell my colleagues that increasing the visa supply is not the only solution to the so-called shortage of high-tech workers. Since March of this year, the Senator from Illinois, Mr. Durbin, and I have taken a good look at the H-1B visa program. We have raised issues with the Citizenship and Immigration Service as well as the Department of Labor. We have asked questions of companies that use the H-1B visa, and I have raised issues with attorneys who advise their clients on how to get around the permanent employment regulations. I would like to share what I have learned. I want to give some fraud and abuse examples. Unfortunately, there are some bad apples in the H-1B visa program. In 2005, a man was charged with fraud and misuse of visas, money laundering, and mail fraud for his participation in a multistate scam to smuggle Indian and Pakistani nationals into the United States with fraudulently obtained H-1B visas. The man created fictitious companies, often renting only a cubicle simply to have a mailing address. He fabricated tax returns and submitted over 1,000 false visa petitions. Another man pled guilty last August to charges of fraud and conspiracy. This man and an attorney charged foreign nationals thousands of dollars to fraudulently obtain H-1B visas. He provided false documents to substantiate their H-1B petitions. The Programmer's Guild, a group representing U.S. worker interests, filed over 300 discrimination complaints in the first half of 2006 against companies that posted ``H-1B visa holder only'' ads on job boards. Anyone can go on the Internet and find jobs that target H-1B visa holders. There are more than just national anecdotes, however. Everyday Americans are affected. Since looking into the H-1B visa program, some of my constituents have come to me and spoken out against abuses they see. One of my constituents has shared copies of e-mails showing how he is often bombarded with requests by companies that want to lease their H-1B workers to that Iowan. There are companies with H-1B workers who are so-called ``on the bench,'' meaning they are ready to be deployed to a project. Hundreds of foreign workers are standing by waiting for work. Some call these H-1B ``factory firms.'' This Iowan even said one company went so far as to require him to sign a memorandum of understanding that helps the H-1B factory firm justify to the Federal Government that they have adequate business opportunity that requires additional visa holders. It is a complete falsification of the market justification for additional H-1B workers. These firms are making a commodity out of H-1B workers. They have visa holders but are looking for work. It is supposed to be the other way around. There should be a shortage or a need, first and foremost. Then and only then do we allow foreign workers to fill these jobs temporarily. Another constituent sent me a letter saying that he saw firsthand how foreign workers were brought in while Iowans with similar qualifications were let go. He tells me he is a computer professional with over 20 years experience. He was laid off and has yet to find a job. He states: I believe [my employer] has a history of hiring H-1B computer personnel at the expense of qualified American citizens. Another Iowan from Cedar Falls wrote in support of our review of the H-1B program. He is a computer programmer with a master's degree and over 20 years of work experience in that field. He says: Despite all of my qualifications, in the last four years I have applied to over 3,700 positions and have received no job offers. He believes he is in constant competition with H-1B visa holders. I received a letter from a man in Arizona who works for a company that employs dozens of H-1B workers. When he asked his supervisor why so many foreign nationals were being hired, the head of human resources said: If the company has an American and a person from India, both with the same skill set, the company will hire the person from India because they can pay them less. These are firsthand stories from U.S. workers. I ask those begging for an increase in foreign workers to explain these cases to me. Why are Americans struggling to get jobs as software developers, data processors, and program analysts? Senator Durbin and I inquired with several foreign-based companies that use the H-1B program. Rather than sending a letter to all companies that use the program, which would be over 200 companies, we decided to start our investigation with foreign-based entities. Our intention was to learn how foreign companies are using our visas. We learned that the top nine foreign-based companies used 20,000 visas in 2006. Think of what a high percentage that is of the 85,000, just nine foreign-based companies, 20,000 visas in the year 2006. I say that twice for emphasis. It just so happens that Indian companies are using one-third of the available visas we allocate each year, but there is more to learn. We are not done asking questions. We, meaning Senator Durbin and I, continue to talk to U.S.-based companies and companies in our own States that use the program. The Citizenship and Immigration Service also has concerns. Our review has prompted discussion among the executive branch, businesses, labor unions, and workers, and workers are the ones we are concerned about. So we are not the only ones asking questions. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service is also worried about fraud in the program. This agency's investigative arm, that subdivision called the Fraud Detection and National Security unit, is doing a fraud assessment of the H-1B and L visa programs. I asked the unit to brief my staff on their work, and they reported they are not finished with analyzing the data. Senator Collins of Maine and I put the agency on notice that we are anxiously awaiting this report so we may continue our quest to reform the program appropriately. In the meantime, the bill Senator Durbin and I introduced includes measures to rein in the abuse. It goes a long ways to close some loopholes to protect American workers. It is our hope that these measures will bring the program back to its original mission; that is, to help U.S.-based companies find highly skilled workers to fill the shortage for a temporary period of time. That is what the H-1B visa program is all about. Under current law, companies can bring in foreign workers on an H-1B visa without first attempting to hire an American.

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  • kumarc123
    01-10 09:39 AM
    I have been a IV member since 2006 . I have seen the ups/downs . donated money , sent letters , attended rallies and done whatever has been been proposed . But I see that many senior members who had the drive to motivate people are not sending or being part of any messages or threads at all and that is exactly why the movement seems to be losing steam .

    The standard response that I see to any question is "have you donated money ? " . "Don't ask for anything till you have donated. " this is followed by some some red dots which normally works to silence the questions. People will be willing to donate when they believe in the movement . I remember we collected $ 30,000 in 1 month before the rally there was huge thread with all the donations . People were charged up and the money came up automatically . I am willing to donate but to be brutally honest I do not see the same level of motivation as was there in 2006 / 2007 days .Please use this as a wakeup call and not as reason to vent your frustration on me .

    There are many senior members who I do not even see any more . Members joining in late 2007 or early 2008 will not know any of these guys .

    Aman Kapoor . He is the founder of IV . I have not seen his messages since the past 3 years almost . Where is he ? Is it too much for him to send a greeting in New years eve motivating the members ? It takes just 2 minutes .

    Mark Bartosik :- He was supposed to the spokesperson for IV .The guy with the MasterCard sign for immigration . I have not seen him for quite some time now
    Where are the other senior leaders like
    a) Walden Pond
    b) There was a this British Girl from San Jose ( had a handle which had name like Rose or something )
    c) Niloufer Bustani from Dallas. I see her once in a while but very sparingly .

    The others even I have forgotten completely.

    The only leadership/core that I see is Pappu and no one else . If you have a country where the prime minister shows his face only once in 4 years , how are the people supposed to believe in that movement ? Please don't reply with a message saying what have I done or why can't I contribute money ? I have done that I am looking for leadership to show us the way and motivate us . All campaigns don't need money donations( Letters , calls , faxes etc ) . We could start with that and then drum up support and momentum and then the money will start flowing in automatically . There has to be a synchronized campaign organized by the leadership and all I see is everybody putting their eggs in the basket called spillover.

    they ask me for monthly contributions and I ask them to hold something big, a rally or something first, as I was not July2007 filer. That's why I am stopping to come here now. To ask for contributions, IV must hold something big,


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  • hrushi_j
    09-17 12:59 PM
    wow... 25 mins break only

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  • sledge_hammer
    01-28 03:34 PM
    I don't think AILA is fighting this memo on the grounds that it is illegal because of the fact that E-E relationship is illegally defined by USCIS, but they are fighting on the grounds that it is illegal because such directives should come in the form of laws!

    Simply put, they are telling USCIS to follow the laws passed by the Congress without providing their own interpretation. This could very well apply to AC21!

    After re-reading AILA's response, it appears to me that they actually don't have a strong case to say that the "EE relationship" definition is illegal. They are going with the argument that a precedence has been set for 50 years, and that is one of the main reasons why USCIS should continue to interpret the EE relationship that way. I'm not sure how strong a case this can be.

    AC21 doesn't contradict any law. AC21 memo is a real memo. It provides guidance for areas that are not clearly defined. So no point in comparing AC21 memo against the latest illegal memo by USCIS.


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  • geve
    02-06 02:37 PM
    Dear Core team,

    Thanks for your efforts and initiative. Those who or not part of Core team has no right to question thier ability, or asking for updates every hour. This is purely a volunteer organisation founded and managed by Core team.

    PAPPU and logicfile have every valid point. How many of us are really trying to help either work or financially? However we visit the site 10 times a day.

    Well I request the CORE to kindly ignore and try to achieve our goals. No doubt in this aspect you are the leaders who took initiative. we try to follow and support our best.

    Please ignore the people "who knows not and knows not that they knows not". Shun them.

    PD 2003
    I-140 Apr 2006
    Contributed :$120
    signed up for recuring $20

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  • shishya
    06-15 05:01 PM
    It is completely unpredictable. Actually when you file I485 USCIS does not process FIFO(They are supposed to). For example there are 10k gc are left for the year. First they will process the applications which are cleared FP based on PD and receipt date. Always risk is there when filing without marriage. You are safe till USCIS starts process your application. When they take your application for processing then you cannot add your spouse. Also if CIR decides to process backlogs faster then also you will be in problem. Best option is if your marriage is already fixed do it within 3 months and file GC before PD is backdated. You need not file July first. You can wait till Jul15 to see next VB and decide.
    This gives me creeps! 485 applications are NOT processed in FIFO order?!!?!?! I was banking on that being FIFO so I could safely assume that my 485 wont be processed before the next retrogression kicks in in a couple of months -- giving me ample time to get married and bring my wife on H4!! :( :( And I do plan to get married in the next 6-9 months :(


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  • gjoe
    10-28 05:35 PM
    I was seeing lot of posts in this forum about reverse brain drain, so I wanted to comeup with a question which would answer my question without doubt.
    I wanted to see if all those who are in the GC queue and think that they are a very important for America and insist on that in their signature by saying "Help us stop reverse brain drain" are really meaning what they say.

    I beleive if we are so much in demand we can get a job in another country and have similar quality of life or better. So only poeple who are confident of the reverse brain drain and America should stop it will not hesitate to vote "Yes" if they are so frustated with the GC wait times.

    Once again thanks to everyone who so far particiapted in this poll and posted comments.

    Some people have given me negative reps for this poll saying it is useless but never say why "they" think it is useless. I would appreciate if you can post your opinion with those negative reps. Offcourse postive reps can be without opinon :D

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  • hrushi_j
    09-17 12:48 PM
    7y 10n


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  • docwa
    05-20 04:26 PM
    Hi I am a physician in Oregon and my parents are visiting too in July. I called Kaiser regarding this, and this is what I was told.
    1. they can get insurance since Kaiser does not need an SSN for the application.
    2. Every Plan has a deductible $, an out of pocket maximum $, and a co-insurance $ amount.

    Plan A: Deductible 2500, Co-insurance 22% of all inpatient cost upto max of $22,000.
    Plan B: Deductible 6000, Co-insurance 50% of all inpatient cost upto max of $50,000.
    Essentially none of these plans are a 'good deal'. But remember its easier to pay back a loan of 22k - 50k than to pay back 100-200k.
    Also since Kaiser is an HMO, and has its own facilities in the west coast and Hawaii, 'accepting insurance' is not a problem.

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  • srikondoji
    08-25 12:26 PM
    Joke on Free-money-transfer was even highlighted in a movie. Its open secret as to how they offer free-money-transfer service.

    I advise you to close ICICI account and open another account with Federal credit unions. Before you do that, ask if you could use their debit cards in India to with draw money from ATM machines. The conversion rate you get via this method matches with the current rate and you would loose nothng. However, you can only withdraw upto 25 thousand rupees per day.

    ICICI deliberately delays the money transfer so that they can pick a day with lowest conversaion rate. Again the conversion rate they display on their site is off by almost a rupee from the live conversion rate.

    All banks are well protected from laws and you can't do anything about it.



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  • swamy
    11-06 06:34 AM
    Theres an enforcement only bill that increases the h1 cap to 130000. Ofcourse enforcement doesnt include making sure the EB quota is used every year - not that enforcement.

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  • idolthoughts
    06-11 02:44 AM
    wow i have been gone for awhile but thanks to who ever ripped me a new one for my linux idea jerks lol IT WAS JUST AN IDEA DAMMIT!!!

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  • ras
    07-02 12:53 AM
    following few more reasons may be added.

    - When a new employee arrives his/her knowledge of immigration matters is quite less and doesn't intend to take risks of going against the employers wishes. This is being exploited by many employers by way of threatening to cancel H1, intimidating that they will have to return back, instilling fear in all ways and means in the employees about the negative aspects. This leads the employee to think and step back in going against the employer.

    Soln : Better educate the new employee about his rights as soon as he arrives. This could be either through forums, websites or even an official supplement from USCIS which should be handed over to the employee when his H1 is approved. ( It could mention and clear all myths officially by USCIS). This instills courage in the employee to question the employer if not go ahead with law suits. Also, this even may reduce threatening by the employer.

    - Further most of the employees want their career slate to be clean without any law suit, dots, etc until their life is secured by way of GC approvals or some form of assurance from the Govt. This makes them step back on taking action against the employer.

    Soln: Well if there could be a system where anonymous complaints/whistle blowers are allowed, they probably may come out. However, rarely employee wants to reveal his identity though he suffers.

    - The immigration matters are so complicated with so many RFE's people are scared to add another their event to their history. Any transaction with USCIS is kind of a risky feel for the employee.

    Soln: This feeling should be removed.

    - immigration decisions are uncertain so people want to be cautious in taking bold steps.
    Soln : There should be assurance from USCIS that provided everything on the candidates side is good that his GC will be approved. If an employee believes that based on his/her good credentials in all respects they should assured be of a GC, they may come forward to fight against the erring employers

    Soln: How do we make employee believe if everything is right on their part, an appropriate decision will be taken by USCIS. People still dont have confidence in USCIS decision making process.

    - And for GC applicants, they fear anything against the employer would affect their GC process. At every stage (Labor, I 140 and I 485 ) they are being exploited in one or the other way. Always it the employee who is at the loosing end. I have never seen an empoyer loosing because of an employee...
    These are some of the thoughts...

    01-02 06:06 AM
    Wife and I attended H1 visa interview on Dec'13th, I got passport in 1 week, haven't received passport for wife. Consular staff very rude, say her petition details are not in their system so have to wait. They hang up phone as we are following up everyday. They say 4-5 days everytime we call them

    Its clear that, PIMS verification system is not working effectively.

    This is July Fiasco type goof up from DOS and DHS

    01-30 10:09 PM
    I am a LEGAL immigrant how has waited in the line for Green Card for 10 years. I've paid my taxes, social security, medicare and followed the law. Immigration bureaucracy and inefficiency at USCIS has meant more than 250K of Green Cards within legal limits have gone waste leading to a very long wait for legal immigrants.
    Please tell me what I should do - Wait another 10 years? Go back to home country? or jump the fence?

    Guys I added one more question, a little succinct. Please vote for this along with others hopefully one of these will be picked. Thanks

    Voted this too.

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